Wednesday, November 15th, Deer Park Elementary School will be participating in the Great American Teach In (GATI). But we need your help!
Do you have a career, hobby, or passion that you’d like to share with our students here at Deer Park? If so, we invite you to sign-up to be a presenter for The Great American Teach-In on November 15th.
GATI is a wonderful initiative that Pasco County Schools participates in as a career day to invite guest speakers to campus to speak with our students about their careers. This is a great opportunity for our school to be involved with the community and broaden the horizons of our students.
If you or someone you know would be interested in speaking with our students on November 15th, please take a moment to fill out our volunteer form. Please click here for the form. The deadline to submit the form is November 1st.
We look forward to seeing you!