Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Hurricane Ian Makeup Days – Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks Preserved


After consulting with the state, we have now confirmed that we will have to make up some of the lost student instructional time we experienced due to Hurricane Ian.

In an effort to preserve both the Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks, the District intends to make up the needed instructional time during Semester 2, so there are no changes to our calendar in Semester 1 and the Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks will be preserved.

The make-up time will occur as follows:

  • January 3, a Tuesday, will be a regular school day for students and staff. That means students will return on Tuesday, a day early after the two-week Winter Break.
  • February 20, a Monday, will be a regular school day for students and teachers. It is currently on the calendar as a non-school day for students and teachers, and is Presidents Day.
  • All Early Release Days in Semester 2 will be FULL school days. That includes January 11, February 1, March 8, and April 12. By shifting those days to full school days, we are able to make up the equivalent of two school days. The Early Release Days in Semester 1 will remain unchanged.