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Our book fair preview day went great! All students were able to come through the book fair and make a wish list for books they were interested in!

Just a few quick reminders!


Don’t forget that you can purchase a gift card through our school’s book fair page! This allows students to purchase straight from the book fair without needing to have money in their pockets. Click the link here for the gift card purchasing page.  Just click “Gift Cards” at the top of the page to purchase your gift card.


You can also buy books from our book fair directly online. There is a larger selection online than what we have physically at school. Online orders still help the school as well! Click the link here to be taken to our online book fair! Just click “Books” at the top of the page to betaken to our list of books that can be purchased online.


But certainly not least, click here for the schedule for when each grade level will be coming back through the book fair to purchase books! Each grade level has an assigned day and time with Friday afternoon being the second opportunity for anyone to purchase.

AND DON’T FORGET! We will be having a Family Night this Friday from 3-7 p.m. for anyone who wants to bring the whole family down to purchase books!

Can’t wait to see everyone at the fair!