School Information

Deer Park Elementary is proud to be a member of the District School Board of Pasco County.  Deer Park Elementary School, which opened in 1989, is located in the beautiful residential community of West Pasco County (New Port Richey, FL). Our school is centrally located near the intersection of Trouble Creek, Cecelia, and Little Road.

Our school serves approximately 530 students. The children we serve vary in age from 3 years to 12 years; Prekindergarten through fifth grade. We are a center school for several exceptional student education programs which include prekindergarten varying exceptionalities, primary varying exceptionalities, language learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, gifted, and autism. In addition, our school has been designated as center for gifted studies which directly serves students in grades 3-5.


The leadership of our school is comprised of many stakeholders. Every staff member, parent, child, and community member possesses important beliefs about our children and plays a major role in developing our school goals. Each spring, our staff and School Advisory Council conduct a needs assessment by reviewing test scores, surveys, attendance/mobility information, free/reduced lunch information, the Florida School Public Accountability Report, and demographic information to prepare the Plan which reflects our school goals.

Deer Park’s faculty, staff, School Advisory Council, and Parent Teacher Association have always been proactive in maintaining a safe, orderly, and drug free environment for our children. Decision making is collaborative and involves all stakeholders. The School Advisory Council and school staff monitor the school goals and determine whether adequate progress has been made toward the accomplishment of those goals.

Our entire staff, students, and parents share a common language regarding discipline of our students. We believe that our school Discipline Plan supports our vision and creates a positive and consistent learning environment for all the students we serve.

Family involvement is important at Deer Park and communication is the key. Staff members communicate on a regular basis with families through daily planners, weekly notes home, Tuesday folders, individual daily reports, portfolio review, parent conferences, telephone conferences, E-mail, P.T.A. meetings, family academies, digital communication, yearly open houses, and administrative weekly calls. We support the needs and concerns of our parents by making our campus available after school and evenings to community groups. Our school also welcomes community involvement through business partnerships.

Deer Park Elementary School in partnership with families and community, will create a safe, nurturing, learning environment where a challenging curriculum, high academic standards, and respect for diversity will maximize each student’s intellectual, artistic, technological, and physical potential to become a productive member of our global society.

Students: 8:10 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.

School Hours Staff: 7:10 a.m. – 2:40 p.m.
Clinic: 727-774-8905

Click here to view the Pasco County Student Code of Conduct

Florida’s School Public Accountability Reports have been generated to comply with federal legislation that requires annual report cards on the educational progress of schools, school districts, and the state. These reports are initially published prior to the beginning of the school year.
Click here to view.

As a part of our Total Quality Management program, all schools are reviewed annually for six key indicators, including program operations, food safety and sanitation, cooking principles, nutrition education, communications/marketing, and finance/technology. In addition, our school kitchens are inspected three to four times a year by the Pasco County Health Department and strict Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points are used to ensure the best possible food safety compliance.
Click here to view our report.