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DPES Art Club
The art club is an opportunity provided to students who love art and are seeking a creative o
utlet beyond the classroom. Art club members will use a variety of art media to create both individual and collaborative projects to further their experience within the visual arts, getting additional practice in creating 2D and/or 3D art. Members may be involved in school and community projects to enhance and explore their sense of self, while experiencing the style of others. It is a great place to meet like-minded artists who are enthusiastic about creating and having fun!
Participation in the club requires a commitment to attend all meetings and display appropriate behavior.
Sponsor – Stephanie Murphy, Art teacher
DPES Chorus Club
The Deer Park Elementary Chorus Club is made up of 3rd through 5th grade students who love to sing.
Chorus students learn many singing skills. These include the ability to use singing posture and breathing techniques to support vocal production, to identify vocal anatomy including the function of the diaphragm and the larynx in singing, to use breathing exercises during vocal warm-ups, to develop accurate intonation and beauty of tone in singing, to demonstrate knowledge of terminology related to producing a vocal tone, to perform music in unison and harmony with and without accompaniment, to read music of varying styles and levels of difficulty, to develop the ability to sing independently, and to work together as a cooperative group. The chorus will perform several times throughout the year. The specific performance dates will be announced after the application is complete and selection of members complete.
Participation in the club requires a commitment to attend all practices, meetings and performances and appropriate behavior.
Sponsor – Kelly Bravard, Music teacher
DPES Safety Patrol
The Safety Patrol at Deer Park Elementary is a leadership opportunity for responsible 5th-grade students who are committed to keeping our school safe. Safety Patrol members assist with morning arrival and afternoon dismissal, helping to ensure a smooth and secure environment for all students. They serve as role models, guiding peers and supporting school safety practices in various areas, such as hallways, crosswalks, and bus loading zones.
This club provides students with a chance to develop leadership skills, a sense of responsibility, and teamwork as they work together to maintain a safe school environment. Participation in Safety Patrol requires regular attendance, punctuality, and a commitment to performing duties responsibly.
Sponsor: Ms. Jenkins
DPES Earth Patrol
The Earth Patrol, open to 4th grade students, is dedicated to promoting environmental responsibility at Deer Park Elementary. Earth Patrol members take part in recycling initiatives and work to educate others on the importance of reducing waste and protecting our planet. Through activities like collecting recyclables, conducting school-wide environmental projects, and participating in community awareness events, members of Earth Patrol learn valuable lessons in sustainability.
This club encourages teamwork, environmental stewardship, and a commitment to making a positive impact on our school community and the world. Members are expected to attend regularly and participate actively.
Sponsor: Ms. Nash
The National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) at Deer Park Elementary is a distinguished program designed to recognize and nurture the highest academic and leadership qualities in students. Open to 4th and 5th graders who meet the academic criteria for entrance (this vetting process begins at the beginning of the second semester) and exhibit excellence in scholarship, responsibility, service, and leadership, NEHS provides an opportunity for students to develop skills that will serve them throughout their educational journey.
NEHS members actively participate in service projects within the school and community, engage in activities that foster leadership skills, and support initiatives that promote a positive school environment. Students in NEHS are expected to attend meetings regularly, participate in service projects, and serve as role models to their peers.
Participation in NEHS requires a commitment to maintaining high academic standards and demonstrating exemplary behavior. This prestigious society encourages students to take on responsibilities that will help them make a lasting impact in their school community.
Sponsor: Ms. Mandy Carman
Odyssey of the Mind
The Odyssey of the Mind Club is a creative problem-solving program that empowers students to think outside the box, work as a team, and tackle challenges in imaginative ways. In Odyssey of the Mind, students are encouraged to brainstorm, design, and execute solutions to complex, open-ended problems that span multiple disciplines—ranging from engineering and the arts to performance and storytelling. Participants can choose to solve one of several problem categories, each requiring a unique set of skills and creativity. They present their solutions at competitions, which fosters confidence, collaboration, and innovative thinking. By engaging in this program, students build critical skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and effective communication.
The club’s sponsor, Jennifer Wood.
School News Crew
The School News Crew Club is a dynamic organization that empowers students to create, produce, and broadcast news content for the school community. Members of the News Crew work together to gather information, write scripts, film segments, and edit footage to deliver timely and engaging updates on school events, announcements, sports, and student achievements. This club gives students the chance to develop valuable skills in journalism, media production, and public speaking, fostering confidence and teamwork along the way. From brainstorming story ideas to learning video editing software, students gain hands-on experience in the world of news production and communication.
Click the image above or here for the link to the Student Code of Conduct:

- There are an estimated 5-7.5 million students in the United States who are chronically absent from school.
- When your student is out of school for 2 days a month, they miss 20 days a year.
- 800 minutes of math instruction per year.
- 26.5 hours of English/Reading Instruction.
- Chronic absenteeism is missing 10% or more of the school year. That is any absence- excused or unexcused.
- By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
- Set up a morning routine
- Prepare the night before
- REMINDER: The amount of time students are in school greatly impacts their success.
- Student attendance is more than just completing assignments in school.
- The key to their success is the actual instruction provided from their teachers.
Regular Attendance Helps Your child:
- Learn to manage emotions and behavior
- Achieve Academic Milestones