Principal: Shannon Middleton
Assistant Principal: Billie Sass
8636 Trouble Creek Road

New Port Richey, FL 34653
Phone: (727) 774-8900
Fax: (727) 774-8991

Spring Break (No School): March 17th-21st

Spring Break is from March 17th to the 21st! We hope everyone has an enjoyable break, and comes back ready to learn on March 24th.


2024-25 Yearbooks for Sale!

This year’s 2024-25 Yearbooks are for sale until April 6, 2025! Use the online code: YB32083 to access our school’s Yearbook.

Order yours today here and see this flyer for more details on steps to take.



PTA Color Run Fundraiser: March 3rd-31st

Our PTA is hosting another Color Run Fundraiser this year – and we need your help!!

Fundraiser dates: March 3rd to the 31st.

Date of Color Run: March 28th.

Prizes and more information can be found here. Prizes for day of run must be earned by March 26th! You can even win a prize for just registering!





2025-26 Countdown to Kindergarten!

The 2025-26 school year is just around the corner! For families with upcoming kindergarteners for next school year, here is some helpful information to get you started for the Countdown to Kindergarten. Our kindergarten registration is on August 7th and will include a Parent Night so new students and families can get to know who their teacher will be!

For English, click here.

For Spanish, click here.



Field Day: April 17, 2025

The Physical Education department at Deer Park is hosting our annual Water Field Day on Thursday, April 17 2025! If you would like to volunteer for the event, you must be a registered volunteer. Please contact Mrs. Hammond in the front office for more details about volunteering for this event.

Shirts are being sold as a fundraiser to help purchase new PE equipment for our DPES PE department and help cover the costs of renting the water slides. Payments can be done online with Rycor here. Forms and payments are due by March 28, 2025 – there will be no late forms/money accepted. Field Day shirts are $12.00 each.

For any questions about Field Day, please contact our PE department at 727-774-8928.



New Worlds Reading Initiative

Please click here for a video program overview.

Eligibility for New Worlds Reading is as follows:  

  1. Students in VPK-Grade 2 scoring below the 40th percentile on FAST Star Early Literacy/Reading;
  2. Students in Grades 3-5 scoring below Level 3; and
  3. Students in Grades K-5 receiving Tier 2 or Tier 3 Reading Intervention Support (as reported by districts in Survey 2 and Survey 3).

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Rulison at




2024-25 Yearbooks for Sale!

2024-25 Yearbooks for Sale!

This year's 2024-25 Yearbooks are for sale until April 6, 2025! Use the online code: YB32083 to access our school's Yearbook. Order yours today here and see this flyer for more details on steps to take.    

Panera Spirit Night: March 14, 2025

Panera Spirit Night: March 14, 2025

Let's Raise Some Dough Bucks! The Deer Park PTA team is hosting a spirit fundraiser night at Panera on March 14th! Come by and support your school - 25% of sales will benefit our school and PTA team. Go in the restaurant to order, or use the promo code: FUND4U at...


Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.