Principal: Shannon Middleton
Assistant Principal: Billie Sass
8636 Trouble Creek Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653
Phone: (727) 774-8900
Fax: (727) 774-8991

Spring Break (No School): March 17th-21st
Spring Break is from March 17th to the 21st! We hope everyone has an enjoyable break, and comes back ready to learn on March 24th. GO BUCKS!!

2024-25 Yearbooks for Sale!
This year's 2024-25 Yearbooks are for sale until April 6, 2025! Use the online code: YB32083 to access our school's Yearbook. Order yours today here and see this flyer for more details on steps to take.

Panera Spirit Night: March 14, 2025
Let's Raise Some Dough Bucks! The Deer Park PTA team is hosting a spirit fundraiser night at Panera on March 14th! Come by and support your school - 25% of sales will benefit our school and PTA team. Go in the restaurant to order, or use the promo code: FUND4U at...
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