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School Improvement

School Improvement

School improvement in Pasco County is influenced by three processes that are either mandated by Florida Statute or entered into voluntarily by the actions of schools and Pasco County School’s policies and initiatives.

The first is the Cognia standards-based accreditation process that employs diagnostic tools for schools and districts to focus on and evaluate performance related to standards and indicators, student achievement, and stakeholder feedback.

The second is Florida’s System for High Quality Schools, as required by Florida statute, which requires, among other things, the formation and meaningful involvement in school improvement decision-making by duly elected School Advisory Councils in all schools.

The third is Pasco County School’s process for developing annual school success plans.

Functioning in the current environment will require schools in Pasco County to have a system of planning, implementing, and monitoring of all three school improvement processes through data focused decision-making and a collaborative culture.


View our School Success Plan